Monday, January 29, 2007


For the brainstorm I plan to embark writing the follow ways. As we all are aware. Our writing style has to accommodate that of creative nonfiction. Thus, I plan to utilize all of the techniques discussed in class as an inclusion to my writing. Issues I will be addressing are; personal experience (fortune and misfortune, happiness and sadness, and overall success) and other people experiences.
Within the composition will be several paragraphs, one of each addressing a specific life experience, supported by ideas and experiences of others. I going include stories, and will tend be very repetitive, or redundant.


For the brainstorm I plan to embark writing the follow ways. As we all are aware. Our writing style has to accommodate that of creative nonfiction. Thus, I plan to utilize all of the techniques discussed in class as an inclusion to my writing. Issues I will be addressing are; personal experience (fortune and misfortune, happiness and sadness, and overall success) and other people experiences.
Within the composition will be several paragraphs, one of each addressing a specific life experience, supported by ideas and experiences of others. I going include stories, and will tend be very repetitive, or redundant.

the beginning

this is blogman hamilton. the best blogger in the universe. hope you're ready; for with my blog you are taken on the most incredible journey. blogman signing out.